
To cure pain, we must ask, “Why is pain occurring?” and tailor the treatment to address the cause.

-Roger Mignosa, DO



This is an audacious title for an article as back pain is the most common cause of disability in the United States. If there were a cure wouldn’t everyone know about it?


Research for chronic back pain consistently states that there is strong evidence for the use of manual medicine (osteopathy), exercise, and psychological support. There are many treatment options that vary from conservative to aggressive. Unfortunately, it seems that the treatment of back pain is approached with a trial and error mindset. As a result, people end up spending a great deal of time and money to find relief without a clear understanding of what caused the pain.


We are looking at back pain as only one problem. We are treating back pain as an end result, while ignoring the question, “Why did this occur?”


When we lead with “Why,” we find personalized solutions that address an individual’s unique medical history. Back pain can occur for a number of reasons varying from previous trauma, poor posture, obesity, depression, and much more. What is the common link in every case of back pain?




It is likely that you have heard someone who is suffering from back pain and tell you, “Its due to my bulging disc.” Did you ever think to ask, “Why is your disc bulging?” It is obvious that the disc on the back can press on a nerve resulting in back pain, but this is not the initial cause of pain. This is the result of and overloaded spine that is compressing the disc with more force than it is able to absorb.


Why do the interventions of manual medicine, exercise, and psychological support consistently improve back pain? These interventions lessen the load on the spine. These interventions improve posture, coordination, confidence, and relaxation. These interventions address the “Why” of pain. These interventions help the body to heal itself.


How can you cure your back pain?


Find out what is overloading your spine and correct it. To obtain sustainable results your treatment plan should be personalized to address your unique story. When you are able to establish a clear path, you can make your way through the confusion and pain.



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